First login to Remote Desktop Manager macOS with the Workspace browser extension

Follow these steps to connect Remote Desktop Manager macOS to the Workspace browser extension. You will be prompted to pair the two applications.

  1. Click on the Workspace browser extension at the top right corner of your browser.

Remote Desktop Manager must be installed and running to continue.

  1. Choose Remote Desktop Manager in the list, then click Save.
    First Login
    First Login
  2. Enter a name for this association in the text box.

This name can be used to identify a particular association and to deny access to it from Remote Desktop Manager. The default name is the name of the web browser running the Workspace browser extension.

Association with Remote Desktop Manager
Association with Remote Desktop Manager

  1. Click on Associate with Remote Desktop Manager.

A pop-up window will appear in Remote Desktop Manager to confirm that the request was really sent by you.

  1. Click Yes in Remote Desktop Manager to accept the association request.
    Association Request
    Association Request
  2. If you click on the Workspace browser extension icon in your web browser, you can validate that the Workspace browser extension is now paired to your Remote Desktop Manager.
    Successful Association of Remote Desktop Manager to the Workspace browser extension
    Successful Association of Remote Desktop Manager to the Workspace browser extension

Note that, while Remote Desktop Manager can handle multiple associations (e.g., multiple browsers), the Workspace browser extension can only be paired to a single instance of Remote Desktop Manager at any time.

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