Devolutions Gateway configuration on Linux

Installing and running Devolutions Gateway on Linux is quick and easy, provided several prerequisites are met. Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was used to demonstrate the installation and configuration.

Devolutions Server or Devolutions Hub Business is needed for the configuration as well as a Devolutions Gateway license.

Install Devolutions Gateway

  1. Navigate to the Devolutions Gateway GitHub Release page and download the .deb file of the latest release.
  2. Input the following using the command-line: wget
  3. Install the package using the dpkg utility: sudo dpkg -i devolutions-gateway_2024.3.2.0_amd64.deb

The configuration and binary packages are in the following locations:

  • Configuration: /etc/devolutions-gateway

  • Binary: /usr/bin/devolutions-gateway

Update Devolutions Gateway

To update Devolutions Gateway on Linux download the latest package as explained in the previous section and run the installation command. The package will install over the existing installation and preserve configurations.

Install the PowerShell gateway module

It is recommended to use the PowerShell gateway module to configure and manage the Devolutions Gateway instance on Linux.

  1. Install PowerShell with this command:

    source /etc/os-release
    wget -q$VERSION_ID/packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    rm packages-microsoft-prod.deb
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install -y powershell

  2. Install the Devolutions Gateway PowerShell module:

    Install-Module -Name DevolutionsGateway
    Import-Module -Name DevolutionsGateway

Once installed the Devolutions Gateway configuration can be started, stopped, viewed or modified.

Configure certificates

Proper trust of certificates between systems is key to making Devolutions Gateway work. Functionality such as websockets used in web dashboard views of RDP, SSH, etc., requires a properly trusted certificate. A certificate generated on the Linux system and trusted by computers used to connect is needed.

Generate a self-signed certificate on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS via OpenSSL

Using the OpenSSL utility, generate a certificate directly from the command line. The certificate then needs to be placed directly into the configuration directory /etc/devolutions-gateway.

sudo openssl req -x509 -subj "/C=CA/ST=Quebec/L=Lavaltrie/O=Devolutions/CN=ubuntu-2204" -addext "subjectAltName = IP:" -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/devolutions-gateway/server.key -out /etc/devolutions-gateway/server.crt

The certificate request will look different for every configuration.

Customization options



Create and process certificate requests including self-signed certificates in PKCS#10 format.


Output a self-signed certificate.


Define the certificate subject on the command-line. There must be no spaces between sections.

  • /C - Country in 2-digit code such as “CA” for Canada or “US” for United States.

  • /ST - State or Province, such as Quebec or California.

  • /L - Locality, such as Lavaltrie or Sacramento.

  • /O - Organization, such as Devolutions or Microsoft.

  • /CN - Common name, here ubuntu-2204 (as shown via the hostname command).


To add a Subject Alternate Name (SAN), you can use this parameter to define either an IP or DNS entry.

  • "subjectAltName = IP:"

  • "subjectAltName = DNS:ubuntu-2204"


Do not encrypt the created private key.


The number of days the certificate is valid.


Define the algorithm and bit size, here rsa:2048 is used.


The location to create the private key file.


The location to create the public key file.

Trust the self-signed certificate on Ubuntu

Once the self-signed certificate is created the certificate within the Ubuntu system will need to be trusted. To trust system-wide use the following set of commands:

cd /etc/devolutions-gateway
sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates
sudo cp server.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
sudo update-ca-certificate

The ca-certificates may already be installed. By running the update-ca-certificates command a symlink will be created in /etc/ssl/certs to the copied certificate file in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates.

If this is done in Firefox multiple trust errors will appear as the browser does not use the system-wide certificate store. Their documentation offers a few solutions to this.

Trust the self-signed certificate on Windows

After the self-signed certificate is created it will need to be trusted on Devolutions Server. The server.crt and server.key files will need to be transferred to the Windows system; or copy and paste the contents into files (i.e. sudo cat server.crt in Ubuntu and copy that into a text file on Windows).

  1. Copy the public key to Windows (in the example, C:\Gateway is a temporary location):
    sudo cat server.crt
  2. Copy the content into a server.crt file.
  3. Copy private key to Windows:
    sudo cat server.key
  4. Copy the content into a server.key file.
  5. Create a PFX file using the Windows certutil command-line tool. For this to work, the key file must be named the same as the crt file, only differing in extension:
    certutil -mergepfx server.crt server.pfx
  6. Import the PFX file into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store.
    1. Double-click the server.pfx file to start the import wizard and choose Local Machine.
    2. Click Next and accept the prompt.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Enter the password that you entered with the certutil command.
      • Optionally: choose to Mark this key as exportable.
    5. Click Next.
    6. Choose the option Place all certificates in the following store.
    7. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities with the Browse... button.
    8. Click Finish to complete the import.

Open Ubuntu firewall ports

If the Linux system uses UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) to manage iptable-based firewall, perform the following commands to open the necessary ports:
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw allow 7171
sudo ufw allow 8181
sudo ufw status

Modify the Devolutions Gateway configuration

The default configuration of a gateway contained in the /etc/devolutions-gateway/gateway.json file needs the certificate directives added (the InternalUrl will need to use HTTPS):
"ProvisionerPublicKeyFile": "provisioner.pem",
"ProvisionerPrivateKeyFile": null,
"Listeners": [
"InternalUrl": "tcp://
"ExternalUrl": "tcp://
"InternalUrl": "http://
"ExternalUrl": "https://

Modify the above file to reflect the following, assuming that both server.crt and server.key are in the same directory as gateway.json (using the built-in file editor nano is recommended):
"ProvisionerPublicKeyFile": "provisioner.pem",
"ProvisionerPrivateKeyFile": null,
"TlsCertificateFile": "server.crt",
"TlsPrivateKeyFile": "server.key",
"Listeners": [
"InternalUrl": "tcp://
"ExternalUrl": "tcp://
"InternalUrl": "https://
"ExternalUrl": "https://

Restart Devolutions Gateway

With the new configuration in place restart Devolutions Gateway. This can be done with the systemctl command:
sudo systemctl restart devolutions-gateway.service
sudo systemctl status devolutions-gateway.service

Alternatively the Stop-DGateway and Start-DGateway PowerShell commands can also be used.

Connect Devolutions Gateway to Devolutions Server

Copy the Public Key from Devolutions Server to Devolutions Gateway Linux

  1. Log into the Devolutions Server web console and navigate to AdministrationDevolutions Gateway.
  2. Click the More button and choose the Download public key option.
  3. Copy the contents of the downloaded gateway_public_key.pem file on Windows.
  4. Replace the contents of the /etc/devolutions-gateway/provisioner.pem (the nano utility is recommended) file with the copied contents from Windows.
  5. Restart Devolutions Gateway with the command sudo systemctl restart devolutions-gateway.service.

Configure Devolutions Gateway in Devolutions Server

Go to the Devolutions Server web interface where the newly configured Linux Devolutions Gateway will be added.

Before creating the Gateway configuration add the necessary license information in AdministrationLicenses. Assign the license as needed during the configuration.

  1. Log into the Devolutions Server web console and navigate to AdministrationDevolutions Gateway.
  2. Click the Add (+) button.
  3. Enter the following (this will change depending on the configuration).
    1. Name: Linux Gateway
    2. Devolutions Gateway URL:
    3. TCP Hostname: Ubuntu-2204

Click the More options menu for the gateway and choose the Publish revocation list option if the revocation list is out of date.

Resolve hosts in Ubuntu

The Linux-hosted Devolutions Gateway system must be able to resolve the addresses that are requested by Devolutions Server. The simplest method for testing is to modify the hosts file.

Connect to the following system:

  • Hostname: it-help-dc
  • Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN):
  • IP Address:

Open the hosts file for editing sudo nano /etc/hosts to add the host into Ubuntu.

Open a web-based RDP session

The gateway can now to connect to hosts. Since the it-help-dc host was added as resolvable to Ubuntu it can be used to connect in a web-based session.

Web-based sessions require an active gateway configured for the entry and the user launching will require an assigned Remote Desktop Manager Team edition license or Devolutions Launcher license.

Additionally, if changes have been made to license assignments, logging out and back in may be needed to see the option to launch the web-based connection.

  1. Navigate to a vault and create a new RDP session entry.
  2. Enter a Name and Host which must be resolvable by the Linux Devolutions Gateway install.
  3. Enter or link any necessary credentials to the RDP session.
  4. Under the VPN/Tunnel/Gateway tab choose Devolutions Gateway as the VPN type.
  5. Set the Connect option to Always connect.
  6. Choose the correct Devolutions Gateway.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Open in Web Client (Preview).

Open a Remote Desktop Manager RDP session

If the entry is already configured from within the Devolutions Server web interface it can be launched from Remote Desktop Manager when connected to the Devolutions Server data source.

When creating a new entry from Remote Desktop Manager the process is similar to that of Devolutions Server.

  1. Navigate to a vault and create a new RDP session entry.
  2. Enter a Name and Host which must be resolvable by the Linux Devolutions Gateway install.
  3. Enter or link any necessary credentials to the RDP session.
  4. Under the VPN/Tunnel/Gateway tab choose Devolutions Gateway as the VPN type.
  5. Set the Connect option to Always connect.
  6. Choose the correct Devolutions Gateway.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click on the Open session button.

By hovering over the title bar a tooltip will appear and show that the RDP is connected via Devolutions Gateway.

Enable Devolutions Gateway web interface

From version 2024.1.0 and onwards, a new Devolutions Gateway web interface was added. Modify the gateway.json to add the following section on WebApp using a utility such as sudo nano /etc/devolutions-gateway/gateway.json.

Previously the ProvisionerPrivateKeyFile was defined as null. When enabling the web application the file must be copied from Devolutions Server to a file accessible to Devolutions Gateway. As noted in the previous section, perform the same procedure but download the private key instead and transfer it to the Ubuntu system.

"ProvisionerPublicKeyFile": "provisioner.pem",
"ProvisionerPrivateKeyFile": "provisioner.key",
"TlsCertificateFile": "server.crt",
"TlsPrivateKeyFile": "server.key",
"Listeners": [
"InternalUrl": "tcp://
"ExternalUrl": "tcp://
"InternalUrl": "https://
"ExternalUrl": "https://
"WebApp": {
"Enabled": true,
"Authentication": "None"

Once modified restart the gateway: sudo systemctl restart devolutions-gateway.service.

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