Devolutions Web Login changes its name to Workspace browser extension

We are excited to announce that Devolutions has consolidated its Devolutions Workspace and Devolutions Web Login tools into a single streamlined entity known as Workspace, offering a unified solution for improved efficiency and productivity. Unified under the name Workspace, you will now find the Workspace apps (formerly Devolutions Workspace) and the Workspace browser extension (formerly Devolutions Web Login).

While this change may come as a surprise, we want to assure you that it will not impact the quality or functionality of our product in any way. Workspace will continue to offer the same robust features and benefits that you have come to know and trust in both tools. Combining them means that our users only have to manage and access one companion tool instead of two. This also helps sharpen our focus regarding additions, improvements, and integrations going forward.

We understand that some of you may be concerned about the transition process. Please know that this is a work in progress. Some users may not see changes right away, as updates make their way to web browser extension stores. We are also currently updating our products, websites, and documentation to reflect this change. Once the changes are live, users can expect to see new names and logos for the Workspace apps and browser extension. However, for the time being, the old and new names will coexist. There is no need for you to take any action.

Also read our related Devolutions Blog article: Meet the NEW Devolutions Workspace Browser Extension!.

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