Select a data source type – enterprises

This topic is for enterprises that use the functionality offered by our Team Edition.

To help you select a data source type, here is a set of concerns and the list of data sources that can serve in such a a context.

When choosing any type of data source that is not on-premises, you must consider the security of the data at rest and intransit. We strongly recommend that you further encrypt your data using a master key for file-based solutions ora security providerfor advanced data sources. This ensures that only youcan read the data.

CONCERN Devolutions Server Devolutions Hub Business
Self-hosted data
Cloud-hosted data
Database not accessible to end users
Encryption at rest and in transit
Zero-knowledge on sensitive data
Privileged Access Management (PAM) module Note 1
AD accounts used for authentication
AD group membership used to assign permissions
Activity logs
Data accessible globally Note 2
Just-in-time (JIT) connections via Devolutions Gateway


Note 1

The Privileged Access Management module in Devolutions Hub Business is currently in beta development. Please contact our sales department for further information.

Note 2

You should not expose a Devolutions Server instance to the Internet without being able to protect it from DDoS attacks. Strong passwords must be used, as well as obscure account names that are not easily deduced by social data mining.