Devolutions Gateway


Devolutions Gateway provides authorized just-in-time access to resources in segmented networks.

Key benefits of Devolutions Gateway include:

  • Reduced exposure to internal network resources with just-in-time RDP connections through the Devolutions Gateway.

  • Replaced static VPN and firewall rules with dynamic access rules controlled by Devolutions Server.

  • Enhanced security by giving remote access, or access to specific applications, in separate network segments on demand.

  • Improved productivity by eliminating the need to update VPN or firewall rules for temporary access.

  • Possible use of Devolutions Gateway with supported connection entry types (RDP, SSH, VNC, ARD, SCP, SFTP, PowerShell, Telnet, websites) in Remote Desktop Manager and supported data sources (Devolutions Server, Devolutions Hub Business).

Learn more about Devolutions Gateway.

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