Troubleshooting Devolutions Gateway

This topic covers tips about troubleshooting Devolutions Gateway across multiple products.

Verify a gateway's health

It is possible to check if a particular gateway is alive and healthy.

  1. Open a web browser.

  2. In the address bar type https://<gateway.url>:<external port>/jet/health.

    Depending on the setup, it could also be `http`.

  3. Press Enter.

    Health check
    Health check

Devolutions Gateway Logs and Diagnostics

If you are having trouble with a gateway, these solutions can make it easier to find more apparent errors.

  1. In the Devolutions Server web UI, go to AdministrationDevolutions Gateway.

  2. Click More on the desired gateway.

    More button
    More button
  3. Choose between Logs or Diagnostics.

Devolutions Gateway Logs

  1. Click on Logs.

  2. Observe the logs.

    Logs window
    Logs window

Devolutions Gateway Diagnostics

  1. Click on Diagnostics.

  2. Observe the statuses.

    Gateway status
    Gateway status
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