Devolutions Gateway supports KDC proxy combined with API hooking RDP in Remote Desktop Manager, letting Kerberos work effortlessly with RDP NLA.
In Administration, under Modules, click on Devolutions Gateway.

Click Edit (pen button) on the desired Devolutions Gateway instance.

In the KDC proxy section, fill out the KDC Server URL and Kerberos realm fields.

If this does not work, head over to the Advanced section and make sure the Force using IP address for RDP connections option is off.
Click on the vertical ellipsis button next to the desired Devolutions Gateway and select KDC proxy.

Fill out the KDC proxy token fields. Click Add.

Download and run the KDC proxy token configuration file on every machine using KDC proxy. This PowerShell script should add the KDC configuration to the machine's registry.

To remove the KDC configuration from the registry, open Windows' Registry Editor, and launch the script using the -Uninstall