Azure AD / Entra ID scan configuration

The Azure AD / Entra ID User scan configuration allows Devolutions Server to scan the Azure AD / Entra ID to find accounts or groups. They will not be automatically added in the Privileged Access Management folders.

Add new Azure AD / Entra ID scan configuration
Add new Azure AD / Entra ID scan configuration


Option Description
Name Display name of the Azure AD / Entra ID scan configuration.





Name of the Azure AD / Entra ID provider.

Search mode

The Search can be set by Groups or Roles.

  • Groups: Retrieves the Azure AD / Entra ID accounts that are members of the selected groups.

  • Roles: Retrieves the Azure AD / Entra ID accounts to which the selected roles have been assigned


Option Description
Recurrence If enabled, will run the scan on a regular basis depending on the schedule configuration.
Start Starting date and hour of the scan recurrence.
Every Number of units.
Unit Units of time.


Option Description
Start scan on save If enabled, will start the scan upon saving the modifications.
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