Configure PAM domain account provider through Devolutions Gateway

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This option makes it possible to support Active Directory domain accounts in Devolutions Server PAM for multiple domains on different networks, via Devolutions Gateway. It gives you the ability to use Devolutions Server PAM to manage several Active Directory domains at once and isolate Devolutions Server from the rest of Active Directory to force use of Devolutions Gateway. This feature is especially useful for MSP's needing to access multiple subnets from different clients.


  1. Connect to the Devolutions Server web interface.

  2. Go to AdministrationPrivileged accessProviders.

  3. Click Edit on an already configured Domain provider. Edit

    Read more about domain providers.

  4. Enable Use Devolutions Gateway under the Domain section. PAM domain account provider

  5. Click on the ellipsis button to choose the Devolutions Gateway and then click on Select. Select

  6. Click on Edit to choose the Domain controller (which is now mandatory because of the Use Devolutions Gateway option).

  7. Click on Save in the Preferred domain controller window. Save

  8. To save these settings and close the window click on Save.

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