The Batch actions allow for a quick way to modify multiple sessions at once, but within Remote Desktop Manager itself.
To be able to create your PowerShell script, you would need the name of the field(s) that you would like to update. To retrieve the exact name of the field, right-click on your session and select Clipboard – Copy. You can then paste the information in a text editor to retrieve the name of the field(s) that you would like to modify via the Custom PowerShell Command.
For folders, see Batch edit folders with custom PowerShell commands.
Since they use the Powershell technology, we provides samples in this section because the fields are the same when accessed through our Batch Actions or through Powershell.
$connection.Web.OnlySendPasswordInPasswordField = $false;
$RDM.Save ();
$connection.DataEntry.ViewUrlDisplayMode = "Default";
ViewUrlDisplayMode: "Default" = embedded, "External" = external.
$connection.DataEntry.DefaultAction = "OpenUrlExternal";
$connection.Terminal.MaxScrollbackLines = 2000;
$connection.Terminal.AlwaysAcceptFingerprint = $true;
$connection.Terminal.EnableLogging = $true;
$connection.Terminal.LogPath = '$LOGPATH$\$NAME$_$DATE_TEXT_ISO$_$TIME_TEXT_ISO$.log';
$connection.Terminal.LogMode = 1;
$connection.Terminal.LogOverwriteMode = 0;
Here are some values that you can change for this command;
LogPath: your path between ' ' (single quotes). You can also use variables. i.e. %USERPROFILE%, $NAME$, etc. In this example $LOGPATH$ is a custom variable defined in the System settings – Custom Variables.
LogMode: 1 = Printable Output, 0 = Event
TerminalLogOverwriteMode: 0 = default, 1 = prompt, 2 = append, 3 = overwrite
Here are also other options that you can modify;
$connection.Terminal.BellMode = 'Visual'
$connection.Terminal.CloseOnDisconnect = $false
$connection.ConnectionType = 'LogMeIn';
$connection.ConnectionSubType = ' ';
$connection.LogMeIn.Url = $connection.WebBrowserUrl;
$connection.LogMeIn.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = $true;
$connection.LogMeIn.ShowUrl = $false;
$connection.LogMeIn.WebBrowserApplication = "GoogleChrome";
$connection.LogMeIn.SandboxProcess = $true;
$connection.LogMeIn.Url = " ";
$connection.LogMeIn.DashboardHostUrl = " ";
Please run these two one at a time
$connection.LogMeIn.UserName = " ";
$connection.LogMeIn.SafePassword = " ";
$connection.LogMeIn. DashboardEmail = " ";
$connection.LogMeIn. SafePasswordDashboard = " ";
$connection.MetaInformation.CustomField3Title = "MyField"
Please note that you would need to change "MyField" for the value that you want to replace Custom field #3 with.
$ = $ + ""
$connection.Putty.RecordingMode = 1;
$connection.Putty.RecordingFileName = "C:\path\to\your\file.log"
$connection.Url = " ";
$connection.Putty.TelnetEncoding = "UTF-8";
The date must be specified using the ISO8601 format.
$connection.MetaInformation.Expiration = "2018-12-25T00:00:00-05:00";
Use any date time operator supported by PowerShell.
$connection.MetaInformation.Expiration = (Get-Date).AddMonths(6);
$connection.TabTitle = '$COMPANY_NAME$ - $NAME$';
$connection.MetaInformation.Keywords = ";
$connection.Putty.HistoryMaxLength = 2000;
$connection.ConnectionType = 3;
$connection.KeyboardHook = "OnTheRemoteComputer";
$connection.CredentialConnectionGroup = "YourFolderPath\Credentials"
$connection.CredentialConnectionID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$connection.CredentialConnectionSavedPath = "--- Prompt on connection ---"