The following methods describe how to connect to Devolutions Server using PowerShell.
Follow the instructions in Devolutions.PowerShell Core Module to properly install the module.
Create a new Devolutions Server data source using an Application Key and Application Secret with the following script. This script should only be used once to avoid creating many new data sources. Replace the values of the four variables with your own information, then run the script.
$dsname = "DVLS PowerShell"
$dsurl = "https<area>://your_dvls_url"
$appkey = "your_appkey"
$appsecret = "your_appsecret"
$ds = New-RDMDataSource -DVLS -Name $dsname -Server $dsurl -ScriptingTenantID $appkey -ScriptingApplicationPassword $appsecret -SetDatasource -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
Set-RDMDataSource $ds
To connect to the data source, use these lines in all your scripts.
$dsname = "DVLS PowerShell"
$ds = Get-RDMDataSource -Name $dsname
Set-RDMCurrentDataSource $ds
Follow the instructions in Devolutions.PowerShell Core Module to properly install the module.
The script expects an Application Key and Application Secret and URL to be defined in environment variables. Since storing credentials in scripts is frowned upon, adapt a local file for running your own tests.
$env:DS_URL= "http<area>://localhost/dvls"
$env:DS_USER = "your_appkey"
$env:DS_PASSWORD = "your_appsecret"
The following sample script can be used to connect using an Application Key and Application Secret.
[string]$Username = $env:DS_USER
[string]$Password = $env:DS_PASSWORD
[string]$DVLSUrl = $env:DS_URL
[securestring]$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force
[pscredential]$Creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Username, $SecPassword)
$Response = New-DSSession -Credential $Creds -BaseURI $DVLSUrl -AsApplication
Once the script is completed and all tasks are fulfilled, close the session using the
Close-DSSession | out-null
Write-Output " "
Write-Output "...Done!"
Write-Output " "