Favorite entries

Favorite entries are shared between Remote Desktop Manager and Workspace (Workspace apps and Workspace browser extension).

  1. Click Favorites in the Devolutions Hub web interface.

    Click Favorites
    Click Favorites
  2. Select an entry and click Add to Favorites.

    Add to Favorites
    Add to Favorites
  3. Select Favorites and click Add.

    Select Favorites and click Add
    Select Favorites and click Add

The favorite is saved.

The favorite is saved
The favorite is saved

Create a folder to save favorites

  1. Click New Folder.

    New Folder
    New Folder
  2. Enter the name of the folder.

  3. Click Save.

    New Folder Name
    New Folder Name
  4. Select an entry and click Add to Favorites.

    Add to Favorites
    Add to Favorites
  5. Choose the folder and click Add.

    Choose the folder and click Add
    Choose the folder and click Add

The favorite and folder are saved.

The favorite and folder are saved
The favorite and folder are saved
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