Devolutions Hub's encryption service streamlines access to Hubs by eliminating the requirement to individually invite each user from an SSO provider. This feature can be enabled in Hub under Administration – Authentication – Encryption service.
While Devolutions Accounts are always required with Devolutions Hub, the encryption service is designed to provide a simple and user-friendly experience. When users log in through SSO, the service automatically creates their Devolutions Account using the information from the SSO provider and retrieves the encryption key from the service itself.
If the user’s Devolutions Account already exists, the system will recognize it and provide the necessary key without requiring further action. For this to work as intended, you must configure the encryption service within your tenant.
Even with a configured SSO, accessing sensitive data still requires entering a password, answering a push notification, scanning a QR code, or fulfilling any another confirmation prompt deemed necessary to respect the zero-knowledge principle. Installing the encryption service allows you to circumvent this measure.
The following prerequisites are necessary to enable and configure the encryption service:
A self-hosted server to install the Devolutions Hub Services (only if the encryption service is set up using the Devolutions Hub Services method).
A configured and active Single Sign-On (SSO) setup.
An application identity in your Hub.
A trusted SSL certificate.
A reachable network port within the local network and, if applicable, from the internet.
An active Azure services subscription (only if the encryption service is set up using the recommended Azure template method).
Create an application identity and assign it the following system permissions:
Manage users and user groups
Manage system configuration (includes system permissions, system settings, and IP allowlists)
If you are using an IP allowlist, the encryption service IP must be added as the allowed IP. Failure to do so will prevent the service from communicating with the Hub, rendering it non-functional.
If you are setting up your encryption service using an Azure template, which is the recommended method (see the instructions below), you need to have a subscription to Azure services. If you do not have one, first follow these instructions:
Log in to your Microsoft Azure Portal account.
Select Subscriptions in the Azure services. If you do not see it, search for it in the search bar at the top of the page or click on More services to show other services. This service can be found under the Management and governance services category.
Subscriptions -
Click Add then select the Pay-As-You-Go subscription offer.
Pay-As-You-Go offer -
Enter the required information and sign up to the service.
Using an Azure template to configure the encryption service is the recommended method as it is the simpler and more straightforward approach and helps prevent unnecessary complications. Verify that all requirements are fulfilled before moving forward and make sure to plan the changes in advance (see the FAQ below).
In Devolutions Hub Business, go to Administration – Authentication – Encryption service and click on Generate Azure template.
Administration – Authentication – Encryption service – Generate Azure template -
Copy the generated template.
Copy the template -
On the Microsoft Azure Portal home page, select Deploy a custom template in the Azure services. If you do not see it, search for it in the search bar at the top of the page or click on More services to show other services. This service can be found under the General services category.
Deploy a custom template -
Click on Build your own template in the editor.
Build your own template in the editor -
Paste the generated Azure template you obtained from Devolutions Hub into the Azure template editor, replacing any pre-existing content within the editor.
Paste the Azure template -
Click Save.
On the Custom deployment page, configure your information as outlined below:
Subscription: Select a subscription if none is selected.
Resource group: Select or create a resource group if none is selected.
App Name and App Service Plan Name: Leave the default names or change them according to your preferences.
Hub URL: Ensure that it is set to the URL of your Devolutions Hub Business.
Application Identity Key and Application Identity Secret: Enter your application identity key and secret in the corresponding fields. Your application identity should have the Manage system configuration and Manage users and user groups permissions, as stated in Application identity permission.
Custom deployment configuration -
Click on Review + create.
Click on Create.
Create the custom deployment -
Upon completion of the deployment, which may take a few seconds, click on Go to resource group.
Go to resource group -
Select your new App Service in the list.
App Service -
Copy the given Default domain ( or the Custom domain ( if you decided to create one.
Copy the default or custom domain -
Add this domain to the list of redirect URIs in your enterprise application. Follow the instructions below to guide you through this process:
Go back to the Microsoft Azure Portal home page and select Enterprise applications in the Azure services. If you do not see it, click on More services to show other services.
Enterprise applications -
Select your application from the list.
In the left menu, click on Properties.
Porperties of the application -
In the text at the top of the page, click on application registration.
Application registration -
In the left menu, click on Authentication.
Click on Add URI and paste the domain in the redirect URI field. Add /auth/callback at the end of the URL and ensure it starts with https://. The end result should look like this:
.Add URI -
Click Save.
In Devolutions Hub, go back to Administration – Authentication – Encryption service and enable the encryption service if not already done.
Paste your default or custom domain in the Encryption Service URL field, ensure that it starts with https://. The end result should look like this: This is where the encryption service will listen for incoming requests. This URL or IP address only needs to be reachable by clients logging in using the encryption service.
Paste the domain -
Test the connection. If the connection fails, check the validity of the information you have entered and try again. If you are still experiencing connection problems, please contact our help desk technicians at
All users from your SSO provider can now log in and gain access to your Devolutions Hub automatically, bypassing the need for invitations. It is also not necessary for users to have a private key set up to use the Hub. The server operates on a self-hosted basis; it therefore plays a vital role in the infrastructure. Should the server experience downtime or fail to run, users lacking private keys will encounter issues connecting to the Hub.
Using an Azure template to configure the encryption service is the recommended method as it is the simpler and more straightforward approach and helps prevent unnecessary complications. Nonetheless, if you wish to use the following Devolutions Hub Services method, verify that all requirements are fulfilled before moving forward and make sure to plan the changes in advance (see the FAQ below).
Download the Devolutions Hub Services and launch the installer.
Click Next to continue past the welcome page.
setup wizard welcome page -
Read and accept the terms in the License Agreement, then click Next.
Accept the terms in the License Agreement -
Under Custom Setup, select Encryption, then click Next.
Install the encryption feature -
Enter the following information in the corresponding fields:
the Host, which is the URL of your Devolutions Hub.
the Application secret and Application key, which were provided to you when the application identity was initially created.
Click on Test Connection. You should receive a message indicating that the connection was successful. If this is not the case, check the validity of the information you have entered and try again. If you are still experiencing connection problems, please contact our help desk technicians at
Test Connection -
Click Next.
Enter the URL (HTTPS is mandatory) and Port number where the encryption service will listen for incoming requests. Ensure the port is configured to be reachable.
Search for your Certificate and select it. If your certificate is protected with a password, enter it in Certificate Password.
URL, port, and certificate -
Click Next.
The installation process should now begin.
If users experience issues connecting while the encryption service is activated, it is possible to restart the App from the App Service page to attempt to resolve the problem. If the issue persists, try stopping the App Service. However, be aware that users without a password will need to create one and will require an invitation to access the Hub.
To access the logs, go to the Deployment Center from the App Service page by selecting it from the left-hand menu, then navigate to the Logs tab. It is recommended to send these logs when opening a support ticket for assistance.
Q: What is being saved or stored by the self-hosted Encryption Service?
A: The private and public key pair is generated in the browser and never saved nor stored anywhere. The Encryption Service only receives the public key to allow the authentication flow to continue.
Q: What would happen to existing encryption keys should the self-hosted Encryption Service be updated via Azure AD?
A: Redeploying fetches the latest container version; encryption keys are not saved anywhere and are therefore unaffected.
Q: Can the Encryption Service be secured further?
A: Adding more layers of security is perfectly feasible here. Make sure that the service is able to reach –and be reached by–, Devolutions Hub and Devolutions Portal. The Encryption Service operates as a redirection in Devolutions Hub' authentication flow, allowing for automatic SSO provisioning, decrypting your Devolutions Hub key at each login, and eliminating the need for invitations.
Q: Can I create fallback encryption services?
A: Additional encryption services can be created, but a user must be able to connect and switch the URL in the Encryption Service settings. Otherwise, it defaults to the normal key decryption method. Logging out might be required here.
Q: Can I configure the Encryption Service while others are using the Hub?
A: In principle, this should not pose any problems. It is recommended to plan changes to services in advance in order to avoid configuration issues, in which case it is better to deactivate the feature altogether while working on a fix.