Delete your Devolutions Account

Delete your Devolutions Account by following the steps below. Data can be transferred to another account before deletion.

Please note that deleting your Devolutions Account cannot be undone. Once an account is deleted, it is irreversible. To understand the implications of this decision, we encourage you to read How deleting Devolutions Account affects Devolutions Hub.

  1. Go to the Devolutions Portal.

  2. On the left menu, click on Profile.

  3. On the bottom right, select Delete account.

    Delete Account
    Delete Account
  4. Choose the method to authorize the delete process.

  5. Follow the steps according to the selected method. Note that the deletion method depends on the security settings configured in your Devolutions Account and Workspace.

  • Email: This option appears when there is no password or private key stored on Workspace.

  • Push notification: The private key must be configured in Workspace to be able to delete by Push notification.

  • Password: A password must be created to enable password deletion.

  1. Click Delete Account.

  2. The account has been deleted.

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