Devolutions.PowerShell module objects

This section is all about objects that are available with the Devolutions.PowerShell module and what the module will need for its commands.



Name Type Description
Name String This is the name of the application user connected with these credentials.
Url String This is the URL of the hub you want to connect to with your application user.
ApplicationKey String These are the credentials that you will need to connect to Devolutions Hub. These are available when an application user is created.
ApplicationSecret String These are the credentials that you will need to connect to Devolutions Hub. These are available when an application user is created.


Name Type Description
AllowUserVault Boolean Flag that handles if you want to allow the user vault in Devolutions Hub.
Audit Object(Audit) ReadOnly - Object that gives you information about users who have manipulated the PSSystemSettings.
BlockTorTraffic Boolean Flag that tells you if you want to block Tor traffic.
DisableReason Enum(HubDisableReason) ReadOnly - Enum that shows the reason for the disabled hub.
ForcePromptLogin Boolean Flag that tells you if you want to force prompt login.
ForceSSOLogin Boolean Flag that tells you if you want to force SSO login.
ForceTwoFactorAuthentication Boolean Flag that tells you if you want to force multifactor authentication.
ForceTwoFactorUnlocking Boolean Flag that tells you if you want to force multifactor unlocking.
InactivityLogoutTime Enum(InactivityLogoutTime) Enum that handles inactivity logout time in the web.
NetworkFilters Array of Object(NetworkFilter) Array of objects NetworkFilter that handle IP Address filtering to Devolutions Hub.
OrganizationId String The organization ID if you want to handle the login by Devolutions Account Organization. If empty, the flow will be normal.
PasswordTemplateEnforcement Enum(PasswordTemplateEnforcement) Enum that handles the enforcement of a selected password template.
PasswordTemplateId Guid ID of a password template you want to set and activate in Devolutions Hub.
SystemPermissions Object(SystemPermissions) Object that gives you a list of users and groups permissions that are set system-wide.
SystemVaultPermissions Object(VaultPermissions) Object that gives you a list of users and groups permissions that are globally set to all vaults.
TemporaryPasswordInviteType Enum(TemporaryPasswordInviteType) Enum that handles the temporary password of a new user.


Name Type Description
Audit Object(Audit) ReadOnly - Object that gives you information about users who have manipulated the PsUser.
CanAccessOffline Boolean Flag that handles if users can access Devolutions Hub offline in Remote Desktop Manager.
Email String ReadOnly - User email.
GravatarUrl String ReadOnly - URL of the user profile picture.
Id Guid ReadOnly - User ID.
IsAdministrator Boolean ReadOnly - Flag that tells you if a user is an administrator.
IsEnabled Boolean Flag that tells you if the user is enabled.
Locale String ReadOnly - Text that represents the user's language.
Name String User name. Can only be changed if the user type is Application.
UserInvitationState Enum(UserInvitationState) ReadOnly - Enum that shows the status of the user invitation.
UserSendMessagePermission Enum(UserSendMessagePermission) Enum that handles the way the user can send messages.
UserType Enum(UserType) ReadOnly - Enum that shows you the user type.


Name Type Description
Audit Object(Audit) ReadOnly - Object that gives you information about users who have manipulated the PsGroup.
Description String User description.
Id Guid ReadOnly - Group ID.
Name String Group name.
UserIds Array of Guid Array of user ID set in the group.


Name Type Description
Audit Object(Audit) ReadOnly - Object that gives you information about users who have manipulated the PSVault.
Description String Vault description.
Id Guid ReadOnly - Vault ID.
Name String Vault name.
State Enum(VaultState) ReadOnly - Enum that shows you the vault state.
Type Enum(VaultType) ReadOnly - Enum that shows you the vault type.
VaultPermissions Object(VaultPermissions) Object that gives you a list of users and groups permissions that are set to this vault.
Version Enum(VaultVersion) ReadOnly - Enum that shows you the vault version.


Name Type Description
Audit Object(Audit) ReadOnly - Object that gives you information about users who have manipulated the PSDecryptedEntry.
Connection Object(Connection) Complex Object that stores all of your connection information.
PsMetadata Object(PsMetadata) Object that stores all connection metadata.


Name Type Description
ConnectionType Enum(ConnectionType) Enum that handles the base type of this connection.
Name String Entry name.
ParentId Guid ID of the parent of this entry. If set, this entry will be the children of the parent entry you will set. Otherwise, the parent will be the root.
Permissions Object(EntryPermissions) Object that gives you a list of users and groups permissions that are set to this entry.
TargetEntryId Guid ID of the linked target entry. Only use when the entry is a shortcut.
Type Enum(EntryType) ReadOnly - Enum that shows you the entry type.
VaultVersion Enum(VaultVersion) ReadOnly - Enum that shows you the vault version.
Version Integer ReadOnly - The number of the connection version.
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