Create your Devolutions Account

Create your free Devolutions Account by following the steps below.

Creating the Devolutions Account

  1. Go to your account login.

  2. Click on Create your account to start the process.

    Create your account
    Create your account
  3. Fill in the fields with your information, then click Create Account.

    By clicking on Create Account , you confirm that you have read and accepted our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

    Account information
    Account information
  4. Go to your email inbox and open the activation email that was sent to you.

    The activation link email might be in your spam/junk folder. For Gmail accounts, also check the Promotions folder.

    It may take some time to receive it. If you do not receive the email, follow the Forgotten password steps below.

  5. Click Activate in the email to verify your account creation.

    Activate your account
    Activate your account

Your account has been created!

Forgotten password

In the event that you did not receive the activation email or that you forgot your password, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Devolutions Account login page.

  2. Enter your Username (Devolutions Account email address), then click Continue.

  3. Click Forgot your password?.

    Forgot your password?
    Forgot your password?
  4. Enter your username again if required, then click Next.

  5. Copy the code received in the email and paste it in the Code field, then click Next.

    Email code
    Email code
  6. Enter a new password that follows the security guidelines, then click Update my password.

    New password
    New password
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